Answer them

John 9:13-15 (NIV) 
13 They brought to the Pharisees the man who had been blind.
14 Now the day on which Jesus had made the mud and opened the man’s eyes was a Sabbath.
15 Therefore the Pharisees also asked him how he had received his sight. “He put mud on my eyes,” the man replied, “and I washed, and now I see.”

John 9:24-25 (NIV)
24 A second time they summoned the man who had been blind. “Give glory to God,” they said. “We know this man is a sinner.”
25 He replied, “Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!”


Dear know it partials,  (formerly know it alls)

Have you ever tried to explain something that you do not understand to someone?   Electricity?  A car engine?  The human mind?  A womanJ?   There are so many things that we just do not understand, yet we believe in them.  We trust in them.  How often do you flick that little switch on the wall or turn on a TV or some other appliance, and totally understand how energy is harnessed to power them?  If some person would come from another country where there was no such thing ever known as electricity or some appliance never seen, would you feel foolish in telling them about it, without fully understanding it yourself?  I don’t think so.  You and I would enjoy showing them something we are able to use without full comprehension of how it does work.  This computer totally blows my mind, yet I would love to show someone the little I know about it, and what it can do.


I love reading about the man that was blind who was healed by Jesus.  Be sure to read the full account in John 9.  The man was approached by the religious leaders of the time and questioned regarding his healing.  The man did not fully understand who healed him or how he was able to do it, or even why.  Yet he gave testimony that it really happened.  After confronting the leaders with their inability to accurately identify Jesus as being sent from God, the man was thrown out from their presence.  From there he encounters Jesus again, and the identity of Jesus is revealed and the man believes.


Often times I hear believers fearful of sharing their faith because they do not know enough.  What if someone asks a question they can not answer?  Let’s learn from the healed blind man.  All we need to do is to simply testify of what we know.  We are sinners.  We are condemned because of our sin and inability to stand in the presence of a Holy God, we deserve death but Jesus died in our place, rose from the dead, and by trusting in Jesus to save us and give us life we are able to be free from condemnation and have eternal life!  If you are saved you know enough! I once was blind but now I see!  In John 6:44  we see where Jesus tells His disciple that it is God the Father that draws people to Himself to become believers.  We simply share the Gospel.  God does the work in a person’s heart.


I read a blog recently where the author is concerned that Christians are more concerned with giving answers without dealing with the questions.  Bring on the questions.  The answer is still Jesus.  We come to Jesus for forgiveness of our sin, for life eternal, for living this life now.  We live this life for His glory, serving Him in the midst of this broken world!  He is our reason for living, He is our Life.  He is the Way and the Truth.  He is our everything.  Once we have Him, we have nothing to fear.  Troubles will be present, but in the midst of them there is Hope!


What is your hope of Heaven?


If you can’t answer that, please let me know.    If you do know, please let someone else know!


No longer blind,




Please log in below to share your insights from God’s Word.  We are told that we should be able to give a reason for the hope that is within us.  Make sure that you have the Hope!  Then what you have to share should be easy.

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